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Baba Ramdev : Godman or Conman?

Baba Ramdev has been doing it for years. Squiggling and rippling his stomach to the raucous applause of many thousands of delighted admirers, Captivating a nation that wakes up to a televised display of his yogic wonders that can, often 'cure cancer, HIV and homosexuality'.
Western values need to be discarded in favor of ones nearer home, he insists , as he takes the stage on multiple occasions, sharing it with a bevy of political and Bollywood stars.
Baba Ramdev and PM Modi

But where did the story begin? What do we know about the journey of the godman-turned tycoon? What are the darker phases of his life, often eclipsed by his dazzling oratory and swift media skills?

Let’s read on –

When something controversial gets published about celebrities or politicians, it ends up getting banned or a defamation case is filed against the authors and publishers, and in this case, the book published by a lady journalist on Baba Ramdev met a similar fate. The followers of Baba and the Baba himself did not take a liking towards this book and approached the court for an injunction on the sale of this book. Here in this article, we will tell you as to why this book has become a vehicle for so much controversy, and what dark secrets has the author revealed in her book titled “Godman to Tycoon” – The Untold Story of Baba Ramdev by journalist Priyanka Pathak-Narain.

According to Priyanka, while gathering the evidence for her book she realized that mysterious incidents constantly followed Baba and his journey from rags to riches was only possible due to these chain of incidents that may have taken place during his journey. She claims that whichever Swami that Baba Ramdev has learned from had soon disappeared from his life.

To prove her point here she gives the example of Swami Shankar Dev who mentored Baba Ramdev and suddenly disappeared one fine day. His whereabouts are not known to anyone which makes it even more mysterious. According to the reports, Swami Shankar Dev went missing while he was on his morning walk. It was Swami Shankar who had donated the land belonging to Divya Mandir Trust worth crores of rupees to Baba Ramdev.

Swami Shankar Dev

The most surprising part is that when Swami Shankar Dev had disappeared in July of 2007, Baba Ramdev was out of India for a period of one month and the writer Priyanka mentions that despite such a drastic incident, Ramdev did not come back to India and decided to stay abroad. As usual, the police could not manage to find out the mystery behind Swami Shankar’s disappearance and the case was transferred to CBI who have also failed to find any whereabouts of Swami Shankar Dev.

Another incident the writer mentions in her Book is about the mysterious death of Swami Yoganand. Swami Yoganand was a close friend of Baba Ramdev and was famous in the field of Ayurveda. According to the reports, Swami Yoganand gave the licence of Ayurveda to Ramdev in the year 1995 and Baba Ramdev made use of Swami’s license to manufacture the Ayurveda Medicines and in the year 2003, Baba terminated the contract with Swami Yoganand and after one year the body of Swami Yoganand was recovered from his house lying in the pool of blood. As usual, the police could not solve the murder case of Swami and the file was closed in the year 2005.

Priyanka also mentions in her book about the mysterious death of Rajiv Dikshit. Rajiv Dikshit was the guiding star for Baba’s Swadeshi mission. Priyanka Pathak reveals all the secrets connected with Baba’s life. Priyanka writes in her book that, Rajiv Dikshit was the mentor of Baba Ramdev on his journey from Ayurveda till Swadesh Mission. The blueprint of the business that Baba runs today was designed by Rajiv Dikshit. There is a mystery surrounding the death of Dikshit who was present at an event on the day he died. According to the reports, Rajiv died due to a heart attack in the washroom after finishing the program. But the next day when the color of body started changing, his supporters demanded that post-mortem take place but that did not happen and his body was turned to ashes as per the Hindu rituals.

Rajiv Dixit with Baba Ramdev

Another person that Priyanka mentioned in her book is Maharaj Karamveer. According to her, Karamveer was the director of Divya Mandir Trust and in the year 2005 due to some differences between him and Baba, Karamveer separated from the trust. In a similar fashion, Baba also had a dispute with the co-founder of Astha Channel Mr. Mehta in the year 2009. It was the efforts of Mehta’s Astha Channel that gave Baba the name and fame he has today, she says.

Maharaj Karamveer 

Kireetji C Mehta Founder of Aastha TV

In one of the interviews given to an international website, the author says that there are hundreds of such mysterious cases that have been pilled under the multi-crore FMCG empire that Baba runs today, and only Baba Ramdev and his partner Balkrishna know about it.

Whatever may be the secrets behind the success of Baba Ramdev, one thing is clear that today Baba is the brand image of Yoga and Ayurveda in India and his journey from Bicycle to Charter plane is not any less surprising than the success story of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The book is available in


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