The CIA has declassified for the first time the results of its top secret study that was carried out on UFOs till 2012. The CIA called this program as the 'Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program'. It spent around $22 million every year between 2008 and 2012 to fund this program. The CIA never acknowledged the presence of such program till today. It says that the program was shut down in 2012 because the Pentagon had stopped funding it.
The program was initiated at the request of Democrat state senator Harry Reid from Nevada. A huge chunk of the $22 million budget went to an aerospace research company run by billionaire entrepreneur Robert Bigelow, who also happens to be Mr. Reid's longtime friend. The company in partnership with NASA is currently working on producing expandable crafts for humans to use in space.

UFOs have been repeatedly investigated over the decades in the United States, including by the American military. In 1947, the Air Force began a series of studies that investigated more than 12,000 claimed U.F.O. sightings before it was officially ended in 1969. The project, which included a study code-named Project Blue Book, started in 1952, concluded that most sightings involved stars, clouds, conventional aircraft or spy planes, although 701 remained unexplained.
The investigation by CIA consisted of capturing and observing video footage of thousands of UFOs. In some instances military aircrafts had chased such UFOs in order to capture them. In August this year a video was released which was recorded by two F/A 18F fighter jets that chased a UFO that believed to be as big as a commercial aircraft.
If the investigation has been shut down what did the CIA learn from it?
In a letter Mr. Reid wrote “Much progress has been made with the identification of several highly sensitive, unconventional aerospace-related findings ”. On asking the question, what is the conclusion of the investigation? He replies “If anyone says they have the answers now, they’re fooling themselves,” On asking if the investigation could explain where the objects had come from? He replied “We do not know.”
Ashish Samarpit
source: CIA, NYTimes
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